You’ve decided that your home is in need of a new paint job, which is ultimately the biggest hurdle in the decision making process. Beyond picking colors and motifs (the fun part) your next decision is in regard to the contractor, which can feel a bit daunting. There are certainly no shortages of them in the Winnipeg area. How to choose a house painter in your neck of the woods? Below is a breakdown of the key criteria to consider when qualifying which painter is best suited to you, your home, and your needs.

4 Things to Look for When Deciding Upon a Painter for Your House in the Greater Winnipeg Area

I. Interior and Exterior House Painting Expertise

There are professional interior house painters, and professional exterior house painters. Then there are those who have expertise in both. The latter is what you want. For one, even if you only need the exterior (or interior) painted at this time, it’s good to know that when the time comes to do the other (interior or exterior) you will already have developed a relationship with a professional that you have come to trust. Furthermore, expertise in both parts of the home indicates that the contractor is a true professional that understands the nuances of house painting, which is invaluable.

For example, house painters know that interior paint should not be used outside because it generally results in peeling, cracking, and color fading due to light and weather conditions. This understanding is important for certain spaces of a home interior, where there is similar (to outdoor) exposure to natural light, such rooms with large windows that receive significant sun exposure through the day. This knowledge is also relevant to interior that are more vulnerable to outdoor temperatures such as entryway halls, attics, and poorly insulated basements. A house painter with expertise in indoor and outdoor homes will better understand how to select paint types and brands to account for the variables. To reiterate, only work with a painter who does residential interiors and exteriors.

II. Complementary Residential Services

This carries over from the concept above, especially for those who need a home exterior painter. Complementary services that apply include deck/patio staining and finishing. After all, what’s the point of your house enjoying a facelift if the deck remains to be a weather-beaten eyesore? If you want to harmonize your home’s aesthetic, be sure to work with a full service residential painter who offers deck painting too.

III. Transparency

We’re not referring to transparency of paint, as that would defeat the purpose of painting. Instead, we’re referring to transparency of painting service rates. While every house painting job is unique, a painter that you can trust should be upfront about how that arrive at their estimates. Look for this information on a painter’s website (view our rates, for example). If they are not transparent about their rates and fees, you could be in for a big surprise not only when it comes to the initial estimate, but the actual invoice that arrives upon completion of the project.

IV. Portfolio

This is the most logical consideration. Given that you’re entrusting the contractor with your home, you want to align the work they’ve done for others with your expectations. Review a candidate’s website for a portfolio of their work. Images may be visible on their homepage, from their residential interior and exterior pages. You may also check out a candidate’s social media profiles for more up to date imagery of recently completed work. The proof is in the pudding when it comes to choosing a house painter!

How to choose a house painter in Winnipeg? You just have! Contact White Star Painting to schedule your FREE consultation today.


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